Friday, December 30, 2011

We made it!

Good grief, was that ever stressful! But, God is faithful and got us through it!
On Wednesday, December 28, both sets of parents as well as my sister, Jenn, and Ben's brother, Joel, came to see us off (and to help us get our 13 bags and 7 carry-ons and a stroller into the airport). Come on, what do you expect, we're moving to China! Anyway, our first flight was scheduled to leave GR at 0747. We were at the airport at 0630 and still barely had time to say our goodbyes bc TSA had to check EVERY bag we brought and it took forever. We had first class seats (to Chicago- woo hoo!) and were all strapped in and taxiing out when Sophie declared she HAD to pee, right then. Good grief! After much distraction, we made it until we were safely in the air so she could go.
We had a quick layover in Chicago which consisted of large amounts of stress for Ben bc they changed our plane, and therefore our seats, and Ben was worried the new set up would be bad.
However, we got really lucky and had this great little cove of our 4 seats that were tucked away from everyone else.
We discovered that our flight would only be 14 hours instead of 15- I was thrilled! The kids really did quite well. Movies, some snacking, a little meds to help get some sleep, some more snacking, more movies, a bit of walking around, more can see where I'm going with this. The only hangups were that I got a really bad cold about 2 hours into the flight (that I'm still dealing with) and that the kids only got about 5-6 hours of sleep total. The worst part of the flight- the part where I left my IPad in the back of the seat pocket. We were in such a hurry to get out of the plane that I totally forgot it. It makes me sick just thinking about it...

Oh, the way we flew was up and over Alaska, through Siberia and then into China. Here's what Siberia looks like (in case you ever wanted to know)...

Super interesting, isn't it? :)
Anyway, we got all of our bags, loaded them onto 2 tiny carts, slooooowly made our way to customs (but got right through, thankfully!) and met our 2 drivers who drove us the 45 min to the Shanghai Racquet Club, our temporary home for the next month. We got to our apartment only to find that the electricity was shut off and we couldn't find the main switchboard bc it was so dark. After about 30 min we figured it out but it was just one more thing and we were just done.We were all very tired but I felt like a bus had hit me, and then backed over me, and then hit me again. Ben got some food from SRC's clubhouse, we fed the kids and got them to bed by 8. I was in bed by 830 and alseep by 831.

The first night was rough- Ben and the kids really struggled to sleep. Sophie was up from 0100-0330, Cooper was up from 0130-0430 and cried a lot. Ben was up and down for most of the night. I was able to get some sleep except for an hour where I tried to help with the kids but was worthless.

Friday morning I had a medical exam at 0830 (part of the process to get a residency visa here- Ben had his in November). It was supposed to be a 40 min drive but our driver (who doesn't speak or really understand english) was SOOO lost and it was very hard to get him to A) admit he was lost and B) follow our directions and C) stop just driving onto highways in random directions. After an hour and a half we made it to the clinic where my blood pressure promptly read 139/113. Seriously. It's normally 90/60. The doctor goes- "OH! You blood pressure high!" I was like, yup, under a bit of stress here... The rest of the exam consisted of a blood draw (at least they used sterile technique!), an ultrasound of my liver, an eye exam, a chest x-ray, and EKG. It was all done in about 20 minutes. They are very efficient here...

Then off to the local RT Market to get some food and supplies. And by local, I mean, LOCAL. We were definitely the only Westerners in there. Several women came up to Sophie and Cooper and touched their heads and would smile and nod. We were warned this would happen bc our kids are so blonde they become a bit of a circus show. Almost every single person there stared at us and some would try to practice their english with us by showing us where the Tide brands and Coke brand products were. We were only there about 30 minutes but were exhausted by the time we left. The products here are quite different as well. For instance, in the juice aisle we found this...

I have no idea how that could be tasty so we did not try this. We did buy a few other random things and have been pleasantly surprised so far.

We ended Friday with a swim in the pool at the Clubhouse and then dinner. Needless to say, Sophie didn't quite make it through...
Well, that's our first day and a half here. The weekend shows to be much slower- unpacking, church and swimming more. Hopefully the kids sleep tonight- they were both in bed and alseep by 730. Ben's been nodding off next to me since then and it's just 9. :) He's really been amazing- I've lost it several times (esp when I discovered the lost IPad) and he's really been a rock.

Ok, prayer requests- if you would be so kind as to pray for my cold to go away, for the kids to sleep (at night) and maybe that Sophie could meet/make a friend. Today in the car she made up a song asking if there were any little kids in China. :) She also did remind me that any friends she does make here would still never be her best friends because her best friends were Ava and Gerrit. :) What her little mind must be dealing with...

Thanks for reading and I'll post again soon with pics of our place (once we've actually unpacked and it doesn't look like a bomb went off in here...)


  1. Thanks for posting! I look forward to hearing about your adventures.
    And the iPad? Can't they mail it to you? My sister lost her kindle on a train in Korea, but she got it back. Hopefully the Chinese are as nice as Koreans!

  2. I was wondering how cooper did. Sounds like it went ok. We will be praying that Sophie meets a few friends and that u get healthy!

    Becky o.

  3. We have been thinking about you nonstop. Thank You so much for the update. The shopping center part was my favorite. I look forward to the post where you give in to curiosity and try the corn juice. Our prayers are with you all everyday. Good luck in your first week and keep the posts coming!~michelle.

  4. I'm so glad you made it safe!! I will pray for all those things and more!!! I can't wait to read the next one!!

  5. I'm not positive but if I read it right, I think you left your iPad on the plane. If yes, the airline will return it - call their customer service and let them know what happened and where to send it. Glad you made it safe - sounds like the longest travel day ever!
    Love to all,
    Aunt Susan

  6. You about made me pee my pants with the part about the doctor saying "You blood pressure high." I can only imagine! Glad you arrived safely. I'm sorry to hear about the lost iPad, but still, if that was the worst part of the trip, I think you did pretty well.

  7. Glad you made it safely to China! Loved reading your blog-you too funny. Thoughts and prayers for your family. Laura Schellenboom

  8. Praying, Praying, Praying! Oh, what an adventure. Please capture every moment...I so enjoy following your journey!

  9. Lori - I am so enjoying reading about your adventures! It is such an amazing experience for you guys! When does Soph start school? She will be sure to make some good friends once she's there, even if they're not as good as her besties. :) and I agree with a previous comment - looking forward to the entry where you try the corn juice (I bet it's sweet and probably pretty good!) Love you!! Becca

  10. Welcome to China Dear VanderPloegs! We are praying for your adjustment and some "normalcy". Loved the pic of Sophie at the dinner table. Anna says, "Dear Sophie, Did you know that I have some friends from China in my class. I bet that china is lots of fun and you will meet lots of friends soon. Please write back. signed, your friend Anna. Elizabeth says,"Hello Sophie, what did you get for Christmas?"ghghgbhjbhgvbghb love, Elizabeth.
    Love to you all,
    The Haverdinks

  11. I am so glad you made it safely! I will be praying for all of you as you continue to adjust to this new life. Loved your pictures and look forward to following your journey. Hang in there and get well soon! Love ya!! Kelley

  12. Your family has been in our thoughts often...esp when we pass by your house. :) Happy to hear that you made it safely. Hope you feel better soon, Lori!


  13. So glad I found this blog! I've been thinking of you and your family. Prayers with you and that this cold passes fast! We miss you!! Tammy S.

  14. Thanking God for safe travel and praying for all those things you mentioned. It will be a treat to read your updates! Huge blessings on your family as you welcome 2012 ~ a new year in a new land with new food and new adventures. <3 you all! Denise V.

  15. So glad you made it there safely! Praying for health and patience for you all. I'm sure it won't be long and everything will begin to fall into place. Hang in there, you are strong! Look forward to more updates!

  16. I loved your pictures, Lor - made me feel close to you again! My prayers all night while you were flying was that you would be waived (waved?) through customs when you got there!!! How great is your Heavenly Father??? We send you love- and just in case you were wondering, I found that missing purple sock under Sophie's bed ") That house is just not right with you guys not in it!!! Love, Mom

  17. Hi Lori and Ben! We are gathered around the table at 2 Glenview with Laurie, Eric, Sonnie, Aunt Geneva, Gram, Uncle Paul and me, Nancy. We just finished salmon and rice supper. Prayed for you at the table and just enjoyed reading your blog to see how God answered our prayers. Isn't He great! We love you and will be praying for God to answer your requests. Happy American New Year!!

  18. Hi Lori,
    I am glad to hear you made it there. I will prayer for you to be revived and healthy. Love CC Berg

  19. Hang in there! Such a big transition will take some time. I will continue to pray for your family and look forward to reading more about your awesome opportunity!

  20. Well done, Guys! You've finished the first big step in your new calling. Now patience as your bodies catch up with you and you get into a bit of a new rhythm. Hey Ben ... way to "be there"! Well done! Thanks! ~ Dad R.

  21. Hey guys. Thanks so much for posting. So glad you are there safely. Loved the pix and reading about your adventures. My eyes teared up reading about Sophie's best friends. So cute! You guys are awesome and I'm sure you'll all make friends soon. love, Connie & the Porte clan

  22. We just found your blog. Loved the picture of Sophie asleep at dinner. We'll be praying for all of you in this early adjustment time and especially for Cooper-Ben made it sound like he's having the hardest time. love,mom and dad vp

  23. I love your blog! It's like I'm right back in China. Did you find the seafood flavored Pringles yet? LOL! Ask for Wang Lo Kat - it's the best tea ever (look for a red can, it almost looks like Coke). It was my favorite and I drank it the whole time I was there. Yes, I remember how crazy the Chinese WalMarts were. I could write an essay on just how strange those experiences were. I am so glad you got VPN service over there and are writing this blog - I will definitely be 'following' you! Take care, my friend! ~April Beresford
