Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our First Meal, if you can call it that. :)

We've had a few dramatic days with Miss Thing so I wanted to post a few quick pics.

The day after we got here, after HOURS of Sophie begging, we decided we were going to go swimming. They have this amazing indoor pool place that has 2 indoor pools and a huge hot tub. It's all in this grotto-type area with plants and rocks and waterfalls. Anyway, I get my suit, Ben's and Cooper's, but Heaven forbid I can find Sophie's. So, she's devastated. Like, the world has officially ended, which, in a four year old's mind, I can understand. Anyway, we go to the little store in the clubhouse that sells some sports stuff- mostly tennis, and start digging for suits. I find 3 that are big but might work so we go to try them on. The first was the one we ended up with, ONLY because she was SO elated with it. I mean, she dances and sings in this suit. It is SO gawdy so I need to put on here that she INSISTED on this suit because I know in years to follow she will blame me for letting her out in it. :) Here is the suit...

You can't tell but it's full of Winnie the Pooh and clouds. Oy. Needless to say, swimming really takes it out of her, though. She is usually a bit of a wreck afterward- probably hungry and just still feeling off. She has so much fun swimming that we put up with the rest... :) Yesterday she was in rare form so she was sent to her bedroom. This usually ends up with her falling asleep for a bit which is what her brain needs then anyway. We went to go release her from her timeout and couldn't find her in her room. Where we found her was sleeping on the floor of her walk-in closet. Well, kind of, at least. She was sitting on a small shelf in the closet, then had bent forward and fell alseep bent in half with her head lower than her legs. It looked SO uncomfortable. Here's that one:

Tonight we "made" our first meal. Beyond struggling with the language, not knowing where anything is and not knowing anyone, I have been having a really hard time trying to figure out what to feed my family. Everything is different here and the food is no exception. I have no way of cooking anything in this "furnished" temporary housing and have bought very little food because I'm wary of all of it. So I had some organic Chinese chicken breasts, some Chinese potatoes, some French butter, some Australian milk, some German olive oil and (God Bless America) some Lawry's. I fried the chicken in oil and lawry's, boiled the potatoes in bottled water, and there we had it. SO pathetic, but, a start...

Here's hoping after a few more trips to IKEA I will have some bakeware and cookware and a clue as to what I'm doing... :)


  1. That Pic of Sophia is EPIC! Love it! Good for you on getting out and making dinner. Things will only get easier as you become accustomed to the culture. When we were in Italy, we only found one grocery store and it was the Aldi of Italy. You needed a Euro to get the shopping cart and the eggs were stored on a shelf - yup, not refrigerated. Needless to say, Craig used those for juggling. Also, I love that there are 4 of everything (plates, forks, spoons, Etc...) but 8 seats at the table :).

    Take it easy and we'll see you again soon.

  2. Oh, my! A Pooh swim suit! I feel your pain, but at least it makes good blog material. Good job on finding something to feed your family!

  3. Hi Lori, Ben, Sophie and Cooper,

    It is so good to read about how you are doing. What an advdenture and how good our Lord is. Nancy and Brent were visiting so we prayed for you and followed your letters together. The pictures truley are worth a thousand words. Know that we continue to pray for you.

    Aunt Jan

  4. Hi Lori- enjoyed reading the Sophia antics; the stories are hilarious...though the actual circumstances...perhaps not so much! I am keeping you in my prayers, and appreciate that you are sharing specific prayer requests.

  5. Wow - those kitchen chairs are skinny! I'm thinking hangovers when we come to visit!

  6. I think the suit is really cute! The ruffles stage does not last long - enjoy it while you can. Hope the first day of school went well - hang in there, Mom!

    Nancy (and Brent)

  7. Lawrys in China! now that is AWESOME! and i see that you are cooking with wine...you guys are set! if you need some simple asian food recipies, we got a few good and easy ones...

    Doug and Alyscia
