Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We're baaaaaaaaack!

My goodness, how time flies!
I must apologize. I intended to post something much sooner than this but the jetlag was awful and there was no internet connection at the cottage and then I left my power cord at the cottage. Whew! Anyway, we are back and have fallen right back into step. :)

The flight home was brutal and great all at once. The beginning of the challenges was leaving Ben at the airport while we headed into our journey. When Sophie realized he really wasn't coming with us it was tears and sorrow. Thankfully she pulled it together once we made it through security and had headed up to the lounge for some snacks.
We ran around a bit and burned some energy before boarding. I had 5 carry-ons, the stroller and 2 kids. Here we go! 19 hours and counting...
I put on some Dora to entertain the kids while I put Coop's harness on his seat. I had one child on each side of me. The one thing I am so thankful to GE for is the business class seats. It's so nice to have the extra room and reclining seats and free drinks. ;)
The flight home almost mirrored our flight to Shanghai- snacks, movie, walking around, nap, snacks, Dora, nap, snacks, toys here and there. The kids actually slept a bit more on this flight, however, I slept less. I think I probably got about an hour total, broken up. It's hard to sleep when you're on duty with your babies. :)
The layover in Chicago was so intensely stressful. I had to get my kids, all 5 carry-ons (including the IPad- NOT leaving that behind this time!) and the stroller through immigration, get our 4 suitcases, go through customs with them, recheck the suitcases, get on the tram and get to the domestic terminal and then get through security again and then find our gate. All in less than 2 hours. And solely for all your prayers and the grace of God, we did it.
They lost our stroller and sent me on a goose chase (so I had to carry Cooper and 4 carry-ons while dragging a sobbing Sophie- she was tired). I finally got it but then the line for immigration was so long. But it went quickly and then we found our suitcases. With some help from a kind couple I got the suitcases, Sophie and the stroller through customs and then, hallelujah, the lady told me I could still make my flight, so I rechecked my bags and then there was an angel from Heaven waiting for me. My brother drove all the way from the Chicago suburbs, 40 minutes away, to see if there was anything he could do to help us make our connection. I wonder if he will ever know how much that meant and how seeing a friendly face helped me get through to the end when I thought I was losing it! He helped us get to the tram, to our correct terminal and off to security. So to my baby brother, Ben, thank you for loving us and helping us and taking care of us!!
We barely made the connection as we were originally sent to the wrong gate, but then to get off that plane in Grand Rapids was such a relief. I had made it.
We had a huge group waiting for us- my parents, Ben's parents, my brother-in-law and nephews, my best friend, Christy, and her husband and Soph's best friends, Ava and Gerrit. It brought tears to my eyes just seeing all their faces again! Sophie sprung to life at seeing her cousins and best friends and there was running and hugging and giggles all around. Even Cooper was looking at each face and smiling.

Since then there were about 10 days of brutal jet lag but lots of fun with friends and family in between to help buffer the pain. :) The first night was the worst. Cooper barely slept and then was up screaming at 5 am, so then Sophie and I were also up. When he was still screaming at 7 I decided we may as well head to Meijer and do some grocery shopping. He screamed throughout the store for the hour we were there and then I finally headed to the baby department and got him a pacifier. I seriously did. And I don't regret it bc it totally worked. My soul couldn't take anymore and I don't think his could either. Poor buddy. :( It's been the hardest on him, for sure, but that only means I'm not far behind bc he's my special boy and so much is so hard on him anyway.
Here's a bit of what we've been up to:

A few days after we got home we headed to the pool in our old neighborhood with some good friends.

It doesn't look it here but Cooper was really happy in the water!

After the pool we headed to Christy's house to hang out. So far, this house is where I have seen Cooper the most relaxed and comfortable. I guess it makes sense bc this house is where we spent the most time besides our old house. He's climbing all over the swing set while Soph (with Ava and Alanna) "lay out" in the sun. :)

 The next day we went to my sister's place bc Soph was wanting to hang out with her cousins. My sister and niece were in Washington DC so it was just Soph, Coop and the boys. Oh how fun trampolines are for my kids!!

That weekend we headed up to the VP cottage for the July 4th holiday. Our friends, the Oostings, were up there as well so it was going to be a fun few days with friends and family!
Cooper is getting more and more daring with everything. Here he is venturing out onto the dock.

Grandpa VP put up the trampoline so the kids were on cloud nine. :) Coop's favorite game is to lay flat on the trampoline and have sissy bounce him.

The view from the back deck out onto the lake.

A new toy- the inflatable raft has been a huge hit! Sophie has became fast friends with the 2 boys next door, Carson and Max, and has spent a lot of time with them up north already!

Here, the Oostings had come to play at the lake. "Uncle" Peter went swimming with all three 5-yr-olds (brave!).

This was hilarious. Peter and the three kids were all going to jump in off the raft at the same time.

Um, yeah, Sophie had other plans. Ha!

A hint of my poor Cooper's battle. I was trying to feed him lunch and he just couldn't stay awake anymore. I also have a great video of it but I can't figure out how to upload it.

Great Grandma Barrett and GGpa Dick came for a few days and brought gifts!

This is a vibrating, singing pig. Sophie loves it but Coop is still figuring it out.

Sophie's new butterfly chair from GGma. She loves it!

On July 3, we and the Oostings headed to Crystal Mountain, a local ski resort, to have an early 4th of July celebration. We got there at 7pm so Cooper stayed home with Grandma to go to bed at a good time. There were many booths with kids games, food, music, and more!
The kids made candy sticks. Clear tubes filled with colored powder sugar. Oh boy.

This was great- a spinning small piece of cardboard and then you drop paint in on it and then see what you made! Here are Christy and Ava having a go at it.

This was Sophie's creation.

Having a snack before the big chairlift ride!

Gerrit, Sophie and Ava showing their wins/creations.

Heading up the chair lift. Sophie loved it!

The Oostings behind us.

Our view going up the lift. Sophie said hi to every person that passed us going down. :)

At the top there was a sand box where the kids played and there was a band and a bar.

Christy and I at the top of the hill.

We were all missing Ben that night. It wasn't the same without him. Here's Peter pretending Ben was with us. :)

Gerrit and Sophie showing us their tongues after eating their sugar sticks they had made. Ugh.

Sophie snuggling up for the fireworks.

A shot of our firework fun.

The next morning we headed to Frankfort for the parade. It was a hot one so we were really happy to have some shade!

Cooper watched more than I thought he would. He did a bit of listening, a bit of Dora, and was pretty interested in the things that passed in front of him. Isn't he cute? :)

Sophie and Ava

I have no idea what this is doing in a 4th of July parade, but it was cool. A car covered in mosaic with a lady in her 70s wearing an old wedding gown. Ok....

This, however, took the cake. A trailer full of stuffed dear and bears with small children. Only in northern Michigan. :)

I had to go home that day bc Cooper had his neurology appt and therapy the next day. Sophie was having so much fun playing with the neighbor boys that she stayed up north until Monday.
Coop's doc wants his brain MRI repeated before we go back to Shanghai, so we're in the process of getting that organized.

Since then we've had play days at my parent's lake with family, more swimming days with friends, Sophie has started tennis lessons with Ava and Gerrit, Coop started at a new therapy place in addition to his normal therapy, I've been active in a summer Bible study that I'm loving, and I even have had a dinner out with some work friends already. Whew! I am trying to pack in every day and I think it's working. The kids are finally adjusted and having fun with friends and family. Hopefully a summer to remember!

Prayer Requests:
Are you surprised I have some? Oh, please! If there's anyone that can benefit from constant prayer, it's me. :)

-Cooper is on a mission to hurt himself- not on purpose, I don't think, but still. In the 2 1/2 weeks
  we've been home I have found him dangling from the second floor at the cottage, stuck between a
  headboard and the wall, sitting on the kitchen counter with his foot inside INSIDE of the garbage
  disposal, and he's obsessed with eating shampoo and body wash right now. Not to mention the
  goose poop he ate a few weeks ago. I'm telling you, I'm watching him ALL THE TIME and these
  things still happen. Please pray that he finds joy in his toys and not in things that can hurt him.

-Please pray that I have endless patience with my children and those around me as I continue to be a
  single parent until Ben gets here July 25. I do not know how single parents of special needs kids do
  it bc I am exhausted most days and I am doing the best I can.

-Please pray for Ben as he is in Shanghai still and most of our friends have left for home now so he
  is by himself and certainly getting lonely. Pray he stays busy and has some time to refresh and
  renew as he will be very busy once he gets here!


  1. Great to hear things have been busy and that the kids are adjusting well - will keep you, Ben, and the kids in our prayers. See you soon sis

  2. Wow, Lori! I thought my summer was busy! You make mine look like I've been on a nice restful oasis so far. Prayers for all you have on your plate. God gives the grace (and patience) we need if we ask for it and just think of all the people who are asking for it FOR you! You will make it. Hope the MRI is uneventful but encouraging...if you know what I mean:-)

  3. Lori - you are the most amazing person! I read these posts and I am stunned by the amount of challenges that you are able to navigate. It is truly impressive! I am so happy that you are back home and getting to recharge with your family and friends.
