Sunday, November 25, 2018

A bit of every day life

After having my parents here for a few weeks it was nice to just get back to normal routine life for a while. I've had my fill of being a tourist and tour guide for the minute. ;) 
We're planning on moving back to the US in mid July so we still have a few months to soak in this life while we're here. 

After a normal week of school and work we had a perfect weekend of staying around the Racquet Club, swimming and playing at the playgrounds and having fun with our friends.

 Cooper Jon has become quite the clever boy in these last few weeks. He's always trying to get into the kitchen to cause mayhem- get in the fridge, empty cupboards, you name it. So much fun! Well, we thought we were so smart and found a way to lock the swing door into the kitchen. This little stinker pushed the big chair over to the pass-through window and climbed through!! I feel like we're going to be spending many hours of our life trying to outsmart him like this. ;)

Ben went on a work trip "for fun" to a water town so I thought I'd throw in a few pics of his trip. I mean, really, if you've seen one water town, you've seen pretty much every water town around here. ;)

 My favorite pic from his trip- Ben trying duck tongue and his Chinese coworker behind him looking at him like, dude, just eat it, it's not that big of a deal. Ha!! He said it was chewy and had very little taste, so there ya go. Apparently it really wasn't too big of a deal. (But I still wouldn't eat it)

 While Ben was on his little trip, life back home was pretty normal. Sophie had tennis lessons...

 Cooper enjoying a good play with the hose on our back patio on a sunny, hot day...

Soph taking a picture of me by the tree they gave me for Mother's Day this year...

 Cooper looking cute and being happy while watching big sissy play soccer...

 The weekend of Father's Day a big group of us went out to brunch. Ben got a fancy (fake) watch and some snuggles and giggles from little man. I'm really gonna miss the fake markets here...

Only a month to go until we move home. The logistical pieces are falling into place, slowly but surely. We know we are going to move back to Michigan and head over to Ottawa County to try and get Cooper the best services we can. There are issues with where we are going to live until we find a house (or build), getting the kids signed up in their schools and the like.
It'll all come together. Just stressful at this minute. 
A few more blogs and this is going to be it! Eek! Our journey is almost done!

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