Monday, November 26, 2018

Ok ok. Here's the "p.s.". Some randoms....

There are a few more pictures I wanted to include that don't necessarily have a ton to do with anything in particular, but I liked them.

Case in point. Ben and I had our 10 year anniversary on June 15, 2012. Ben went through a huge amount of effort to celebrate it. Without me knowing any of this, he went to the Flower Market and picked out flowers that were as close as possible to my wedding bouquet. He then had them delivered to our favorite restaurant, Shook, where they were waiting for me while in the background was playing our first dance song, At Last, by Etta James. I was impressed to say the least.

A view driving into the city on a really clear day. Not like this often.

This was Sophie in my parent's hotel bed in Beijing. She had the whole bed to herself and LOVED it.

 This was the entrance to the expat community across from the Racquet Club, Forest Manor. Yes, those are painted cow sculptures right at the super fancy entrance. No, I never figured out why.

 Sophie randomly walking down the road with Cuddles, her bear she got from Ikea.

 Why did I take this picture, do you ask, and why post it? You see, maybe 2 weeks after we moved to China I went out to The Monk with my very new, close friends, Liz and Laura. We had several drinks and, somehow, while walking back to the Racquet Club compound, I managed to fall into the bushes there on the left. I laughed so hard. It was probably my first real hard laugh after moving here. ;)

 Some more pictures of the fun we had at the pool in the compound...

 3 of the tallest buildings in the world....

 Our dear friends, Sally and Matt Stirling, and Alice Hudson and John French took us out to dinner a few nights before we left. We had a great time and will truly value their friendships forever.

 They gave us the coolest thing that will hang in our house wherever we live.

 It's a poster that says "Shanghai" in Chinese characters and they put in here 40 things that will help us remember all we did here and what we loved. From our favorite drinks and restaurants, to things we loved to do and people and roads and numbers... I absolutely love it.

 My little Americans on July 4, 2013. Seriously, how cute are they??

I may have already posted this somewhere, so if I did, forgive me. There was one night towards the end when Ben had to get some work done from home and, after putting the kids to bed, I came downstairs to find him like this....

 This was how we celebrated the first and last day of school here- with french breakfast puffs! I added eggs on the side to try and help curb the sugar rush and crash that would inevitably happen, but at least it happened at school. ;)

Ok! I'm done!! There are a bagillion more pictures of living here so I really could go on forever, but I'm really really done this time. 

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