Thursday, May 24, 2012

All Sports Day

On Friday, May 11, Sophie's school held an All Sports Day for her grade and the one younger than her. Really, it had been an all sports week with differernt grades participating on different days. It was an opportunity for the kids to particiapte in various levels of sport and overall just be active. They did have to cancel one of the days bc the pollution was so bad. *sigh*

Sophia was lukewarm about participating but ended up having a lot of fun. One of the real benefits of being a stay-at-home mom right now is that I get to go to these things. I really have enjoyed helping out in her class, going on trips and getting to see her do sports. It's always been my hope that I'd be able to be involved with her and her school so this has been great. No worrying about switching work days bc things were moved around or organizing someone else to bring her/drop her off bc I can't. So, although I moan about being home and missing work, this part does make up for it!

Anyway, here are some pics of her athletic prowess... :)

Here she is lined up with her class getting instructions on the day's activities...

Lined up with her fellow classmates that are in the same house color. See, it's kinda like Harry Potter where the school has Houses. Here, they are colors- red, blue, yellow, green. Not Grifindor, Slytherin, etc... ;) So, each class will have some kids from each house. The houses gain points by good behavior and then can get prizes and such when they've accumulated enough points. Bad behavior gets points removed. See? Just like Harry Potter... ;) Joseph is to the right, Moritz to the left and then Rachel, her best bud is next to Moritz. 4 seperate countries represented here. :)

In this first event, she had to walk along the beam, jump through 3 hoops, get a large ball off a tee, run with it around a circle, then place it back on a tee balancing it there and run back. She was brilliant until the whole ball balancing thing. That was quite her demise... :)

Going through the hoops...

This was her favorite. Each child stood by their cone and then they handed off water balloons from one child to the next. You had to be careful or they might pop! Whomever had the most balloons in the container when the whistle blew was the winner!

Another popular one- here there was a huge pile of different color balls. Each house could only pick up their color ball and then had to throw it into the hanging umbrella. Once all your balls were in, you had to run to your spot and sit down. First one done was the winner! Sophie is there in the pink hat...

Here you had to stand in one ring, toss the bean bag to the next ring, then jump into that ring, and repeat till the end. Soph got bored after ring 3 and just started tossing and jumping without direction. :)

A great game for a hot day. A bucket of water on one end, an empty one on the other. With a large sponge, bring the water from one bucket to another. Soph sat at her bucket for like an hour trying to get every single iota of water out of it. Meanwhile I'm screaming, Soph, just go back and get more! Soph! Sophia!! :) Crazy competetive mothers...

Here's a pic of part of her school. This building houses pre-nursery (3 yr olds) through 8th grade.

The final event- races! Soph had a stellar start only to be distracted by her sunhat flying off (you can see the ref handing it to another adult on the right). Otherwise she would have smoked 'em... ;)

Sophie's class at the end of the fun. The kids did great and had a lot of fun with it! I think the parents were all more tired from cheering the kids on than the kids were from actually participating!

It was so hot that day that after Coop got home from school and we had some lunch, we headed to the pool for a bit of a swim. Oh, he just loooooooves the water!!

Such a handsome boy. :)

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