Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Shanghai Museum of Science and Technology

Whew! What a weekend!
After a busy day exploring Zhujiajiao we actually decided to head out into town for another day of exploring! Fun fun fun.
So, we hopped onto the shuttle bus in the Racquet Club at 840 in the morning with the Lawlers. The bus took us to the metro station where we hopped onto the metro and rode along for almost an hour when, low and behold, we made it to the museum! It was way more involved than how I just made it sound, but, I'm on a time crunch here. Many blogs to write- getting very behind!!

Here's the outside entrance of the museum-

Uh oh, Cooper sees water- must get to it, Daddy!!

Yes! Thank you Dad!!

The museum was HUGE!! 3 floors tall and just  massive. We only made it thru the first floor

The VPs!!

There was a wild animal kingdom that had every animal (dead and stuffed) that you can possibly imagine.

They were all seperated into parts of the world where they're found. Huge huge room full of dead animals!!

Yes, that's a hippo to the right...(not the Chinese people, next to them)

Me working...something. Or at least trying to. :)

Sophia and Mia exploring the "rain forest".

Why? Why did they put this in here, like this? It looks like the mom pooped on the baby dear. Also, all the dear in every exhibit had spots. Even the big bucks with horns. Huh??? No one thought this would be a bit odd? Really???

Coop wasn't feeling the rain forest- so I got some lovin'. :)

Post rain forest (notice no pics from it made it in- that's how exciting it was...)

Entering the Children's exhibit- we spent A LOT of time here!!! Prob too much...

Isaac and Soph hamming it up...

We found a part that had a slide. Oh man, it took ALL we had to get Coop out of there. He loved it!!

Many kids loved the slide- here's Mia and Soph...

Some weird light-up floor that reacted when you stepped on it. And the glowing eletric tree in the background. This place was weird!! :)

Egg things that wobbled back and forth. These three loved it!

Gigantic litebrite wall. We could have been at this for hours. Even the adults loved it.

There were a couple of dinosaurs scattered throughout the museum. Sure, why not...

Robot world! Really cool things in here- like the  robot who plays the piano (unfortunately her left pinky finger wasn't working and yet the keys still went down when they were supposed to. Hmm...)

On the way home in the metro, Coop was exhausted from no nap so a little Dora on the IPad went a long way! :)

Overall the day was really fun and very tiring!! We were all happy to get home for a bit of rest. Sophie was still going strong and decided to give her rollerblades another go. She's getting good!

But not great, yet. :)

A quick view of the development from our balcony. Spring is here! It's all so green! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lori, I e-mailed Ben back in March and he reminded me of your blog, so I've been catching up over the last 6 weeks (I'm a really slow reader). This is a really awesome blog! Seriously, when I read it, I feel like I'm sitting on a couch with you looking over photos from your adventures. I know its not all sunshine and roses, but it does sound like you guys are making it work over there and taking advantage of the opportunities to see and experience new things. Looking forward to reading more posts. Take care. -Greg
