Friday, May 25, 2012

Mother's Day and Misc.

On Saturday the 12th of May I had another girl's night out. Only this time we went downtown to The Bund. We had a really fun time and I enjoyed getting to know some of these women better.

We started the night out by going to a restaurant called Char. (#1 on trip advisor!! My friend, Liz, is obsessed with trip advisor. :) Anywho, we were early for dinner so we decided to go to their bar and have a drink before dinner. They had the most amazing outdoor patio that overlooked The Bund.

The Bund is an old part of Shanghai that is on the main river that splits Shanghai in 2. Pudong is on the east side of the river, and Puxi (where we live) is on the west side of the river. Puxi is older and many many years ago the British came here and built up this area with amazing buildings that became known as The Bund. They light it up at night and it really is just beautiful. Over on the Pudong side it was just farmland 25 years ago when Ben's grandma visited here. Now it's this huge modern part of the city that has these amazing buildings and they light those up at night as well. It makes for quite a view. Very much like downtown New York, all lit up and bustling.

Liz (UK), Sally (Aus), me, Laura (US), and Edmee (Holland)

After a drink with the amazing view, we headed downstairs to the restaurant. It was crazy expensive and the food was alright. I swear it must be number 1 on trip advisor simply bc of the views. They had glass walls so while you ate you could just look over the city.

After that we went to a place called Bar Rouge and had a few drinks and did some dancing! This place also had a huge patio that overlooked the river and The Bund. It was really fun and be had a really nice night!

Liz and I ready to head home to bed!

The next day was Mother's Day and I was awakened to a homemade card from Soph and breakfast in bed from Ben. He had made french breakfast puffs but had failed to read all the instructions and therefore hadn't added the milk to the recipe before baking. They came out a bit like nuggets but they still tasted quite good. :) "A" for effort...

For lunch a big group of us decided to head to a local Hilton for their Mother's Day brunch. It was absolutely wonderful, mostly bc Ben completely handled all issues so I could just do whatever I wanted. There was delicious food but then there was also this big kid's section. Here, there was the Wii for them to play, a magician, a clown with balloons, a movie playing, coloring, a sundae bar, a man making clay birds and animals, cotton candy, etc etc etc... So while the adults sat and chatted, the kids would go between the activities and us. We were there for over 3 hours grazing and chatting and playing. I'd go play with Soph and then come back and eat and chat. Ben hung out with Coop bc he decided to take a nap in his stroller. :) Such a good boy. :)
It was a very low-key relaxing day hanging out with friends and family. Good stuff.

My only pic of the day- me and Liz...

We've been keeping pretty busy but are also finding time to relax. It's been more rainy the past few weeks so we've had more time to just hang out at home.

We're cruising through our routines- school, work, me volunteering at school, doing Bible study, shopping and cooking (and cleaning some, too), church.

Looking forward to heading home soon for the summer!

1 comment:

  1. tell your friend that I am also obsessed with trip advisor. it is really very helpful! see you in a few weeks!
