Sunday, January 1, 2012

The First Few Days...

Are the hardest, right? Because then it's going to get better, which would be good. :)
Really, I make it sound so bad, don't I?
I think if we could just get the kids to eat and sleep when appropriate we would be fine. However, right now, Cooper is just plain not sleeping at night and Sophie won't eat during the day.

Well, since she did sleep through the night last night (well, until 5am- but we'll take it!), she really just doesn't want to eat. It's not that the food is weird- things do taste a bit different but she's never been a really picky eatter. But, cheese pizza, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets- staples of an American child's diet (ugh)- we can't even get her to eat these. Toast works, maybe an occasional yogurt....yeah, that's about it right now. Hopefully she'll eventually get hungry enough that she decides food is worth it. :)

Cooper is really really struggling. It's ironic because we expected drama and issues with Sophia- she's old enough to know things are changed and different. But with Cooper, he's never struggled with transitions from one thing to another. I know this is a trait of autistic kids- trouble with change- but he had never shown these symptoms before. We always assumed he wasn't completely aware of his surroundings and just kinda went with the flow. Well, apparently we weren't giving him enough credit because he's not loving life right now.
It seems as though he is constantly taking things in, not really relaxed, realizing everything is new and he doesn't know what to expect from any of it. Sometimes he's ok, playing, swimming, eatting. But he's always on high alert, looking around and eventually just loses it. Then it's hard to get him to calm down. Usually these meltdowns have been happening at meal times. It's perfect bc we're struggling to get Sophie to eat, Cooper is freaking out, and we're always in a restaurant when it happens. We must look like the perfect little family to the Chinese- ha!

It's easy to keep a bit of humor about it right now bc they are both currently asleep so the house is quiet and we are able to just sit and relax.

Really, though, we're doing ok overall. We met a really great family yesterday after breakfast (where Soph wouldn't eat....). There's a playplace made out of a racquetball court and Soph and Coop were playing and a mom and her 3 kids came up and sat by us. The kids started playing together and we started talking with the mom. They're from Chicago, he works for Bosch, they were in HongKong for a year before moving here in August. Their son goes to BISS (the British International School of Shanghai) and could be in Soph's class. We ran into them again today and hung out for a few hours while the kids played. It's great to have met a friendly face!
Here's a pic of the playplace-
The nice thing about it is that there's a balcony where I took the pic where we can sit and watch the kids play while we chat. It looks really pink here but it's not in real life. :)

Here's a pic of the park area behind where we live. We walk through here to get to the clubhouse.
Here are also some pics of our place- we're definitely not totally unpacked and organized- not even close- but we're getting there.
We have a neat sleeping area set up for Cooper. We didn't want to have to buy a crib here, but he won't stay in a bed, so we did some research and found this bedtent specifically made for ASD kids that like to escape. Cooper struggles to wake up from naps- you can tell he's in a deep overnight type of sleep so it takes him a good hour to snap out of it. Today was no exception but I made the mistake of sending Ben to go wake him up. I didn't see or hear them for a bit so I went to investigate and this is what I found-
It was pretty cute. :)

We got the chance to talk with Jenn right after the US New Year and then we actually Skyped Christy and Peter Oosting for a bit after their night of fun and "had one more" with them. So great to see friends and talk with family. It's so easy! I can't imagine doing this without being able to see and speak with those we love.

Ok, prayer requests: obviously, the kids. Getting them to eat healthy (finding healthy and safe things to eat), getting into a good sleep routine. Also, that Ben and I be more patient with them when we ourselves don't feel great and are tired. Sophie's school orientation is Wednesday- she starts Thursday. Pray this new transition goes well and that she is able to make some friends and enjoy her time there.

Thanks for reading- I love reading your comments! If you ever have any questions- feel free to ask!


  1. Its great to get these updates but we wish we could be there to lend a hand during the transition period. The apartment looks nice, great wood floors! Ben and I did the collective the picture of Ben and Cooper. The calm moments that make it all worth it. So happy to hear you found a friendly family and they are from Chicago! Hopefully they have that midwest kindness. Please send a big GOOD LUCK to Sophia on her first day at school. We are thinking of you always. Our prayers are with you. Lots of Love and Hugs, Michelle, Ben and Luca.

  2. How can we do FaceTime? Di you still have your iPhone? We wanted to connect on NYE.

    The place looks awesome. So Not what I was expecting. Who doesn't like to play in racquetball courts?

  3. Lori, that picture of Ben and Cooper is so sweet! My parents, who have travelled a lot, always say that it takes a day per hour of time change to truly resolve jet lag. So it may take two weeks before everyone's sleeping (and hopefully eating!) schedules normalize. Hang in there! Have you ever looked into ordering food online? My friends who lived in Tokyo for three years used to order American cereal on Amazon so that at least they were starting their days with something familiar. Praying for you guys and sending you a big Lori-style hug! Love you! Becca

  4. Love the picture of Ben and Coop! so cute!! oh, we are praying for you and all the transitions. Praying especially for Sophie and Cooper to transition quickly, so life will feel a little more manageable! Hang in there! you two are awesome parents! Love ya!

    Kari & boys

  5. Hi Guys - Happy New Year!! We're out in Philly with Jan and Joel and have been having fun reading your blog - we must admit, we've had a few laughs with your explanations - we can just picture you at the Doc's office! We'll keep praying - love you all!

  6. Hang in there Lori! I have worked with many people that relocate to a new country and the first month is usually tough. But, I promise that it gets so much better with time. Make sure to rely on the expat community - it is your best bet to learn all the tips and tricks to adjust to your new surroundings. They have all been in your shoes and usually have the best advice. If you need anything, please let me know - I have several friends that have been expats in Shanghai and I know that they would be willing to provide advice. We are praying for you!!

  7. Happy American New Year!We hope you guys are hanging in there and trying to enjoy it as much as you can.We miss you and can't wait to talk on skype. Lots of love,
    The Overvoorde's

  8. Happy New Year! Yes, it will get better. When Kevin and I lived in the Netherlands while he was in grad school the first few days were really hard - can't imagine how it would be with kids. I remember asking him if he could still enroll in classes at UM so we could go home. Things will get better...and years from now you will be able to look back at your situation and the memories will be wonderful...kind of like child birth! :) Praying for all of you!

  9. love the updates and all the pictures! Seriously, I got teary eyed looking at them, especially Cooper and Ben. Gerrit and Ava are super excited to see Sophie on the computer. We will chat tomorrow!

  10. That picture of Ben and Cooper is so incredibly sweet! Thanks for sharing your prayer requests!

  11. Hi....will be praying for quick and easy adjustment for each of you...and patience and health and sleep and appetite and friends! God bless!

  12. Love hearing about your adventure - good and not so good. Keep rocking it, one moment at a time. You are doing great!

    Thinking of you guys.
    Connie and family

  13. Hey. Thanks for the updates. Its gotta be tough being so tired and then stressing about your kids eating & sleeping patterns. I'm sure it will get better. Hang in there. Ben & Cooper sleeping are the cutest!!

  14. I love seeing your updates and pictures! It feels like I'm reading a book and I can't put it down:) I will continue to pray for everyone!
