Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Shang"low" kind of day in Shanghai

And things had been going so well!
We've actually had a few days where things were falling into place here and I was feeling like I was able to tread the water more easily instead of barely keeping my head above water.
Sophie's first day of school was great, her second even better because she has swimming lessons on Thursdays and she got to wear her uniform. Here she is in a few variations of it-

Oh, we did have one issue on her second day. She started riding the school bus on Thursday. She was so excited to do this and be a "big girl". I guess I had forgotten to warn her that I didn't go with her on the bus because she climbed right on, realized we weren't behind her and came screaming off of it as fast as she could. Ben thought, for some reason, this was a good kodak moment.
Thankfully, my new friend, Laura from Chicago, was watching us while her kids were getting on a different bus (There are 3 buses that all go to the same school). Soph and her daughter have become friends and she suggested Soph get on with her daughter and even talked with the bus monitor so she could bring Sophie to the right classroom. It saved us because Sophie was having nothing of that other bus! A quick call to the school changed her bus permanently so she's been fine ever since.

Thursday was also the day we did house hunting to find our permanent place for the next 18 months. After 3 houses and 5 condos, we had it down to one house in Rancho Santa Fe and a condo here in the Racquet Club. The closeness of the social stuff for the families won out and we picked the condo. It's a penthouse 2 story with an amazing view, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. The previous tenants had just moved out and the place is currently trashed so I won't post pics until it's renovated. The annoying thing is that it's going to take 3 weeks to get it how we want it. The nice thing is that we're getting a lot of say on how it's fixed up. It'll be great once it's done and we're in it.

Ok, so, school's good, Ben had his first day on Friday and it went well. I had the driver, Andy, for the morning so we made a trip to Ikea and got some bakeware and other essentials. He doesn't speak ANY english so I HEART Google translate!!! I couldn't be here without it! I had a moment of panic when I lost the driver and thought someone had pick-pocketed Ben's IPhone (it wasn't). My solution for the driver? Buy an Ikea hot dog and ice cream cone and just wait for him at the checkout to show up- and he did, after about 30 minutes... It was stressful but I survived.

Friday night we had been invited to Laura and Patrick's condo, along with some other new friends, Ben and Liz from the UK, for pizza, beer and to just hang out. It's funny. We ordered Pappa John's and, God bless them, it tastes just like the Pappa John's at home. SO nice to have that comfort! We had a great night- there were 7 children "running ferrel" (as Laura likes to say), we stayed up too late, drank too much, but only had to walk across the big lawn to our condo! It was a great night getting to know new people!

See, life sounds good, right? I had even made another dinner (spaghetti and carrots)...until today.
Soph needs more tights for school as well as a good pair of black shoes to wear with her uniform. The pair she had have vanished so she's been wearing a pair that's way too big.
We took the shuttle bus to the Metro station- took the Metro to a shopping district that actually reminded me a lot of downtown Chicago. There was an H&M, a Gap, and a Marks & Spencer (it's from the UK-kinda like Macy's). You would think we were all set, right? Yeah, wrong. We found only 2 pair of tights between all of those stores (but really, I was happy to have found 2). However, NO shoes. Not one pair of girls' black shoes. We had to leave bc we were meeting a coworker of Ben's who is here house hunting with his wife at the AP Plaza. This is a crazy place with a million shops. You can get knock off Coach purses, Uggs, jewelry, coats, shoes, etc. We ate at the KFC, which was a nightmare bc there were a million people there, it was super loud, Sophie and Cooper fell apart...
Anyway, then we went to go try and find some shoes when we noticed Sophie's coat was missing. Her only winter coat until the air shipment gets here in 3 weeks. So, now she has no coat. In January. Whether it was stolen or we dropped it somewhere, I don't know, but it's gone, so, whatever. So, now we need a coat and shoes. After an hour of looking for both, finding no freaking shoes, bardering prices on coats, people touching and pointing at the kids, Cooper falling apart bc it's way past nap time....see where I'm going with this? I was done. Like, DONE.
We paid too much for the coat (bc she knew she had us), got in a cab and started the hour trek home. Thankfully both kids fell asleep (did I ever mention how there are no seatbelts here???). So, an entire day for 2 pairs of tights. And I have no idea what to do next about the shoes. Ugh.
This day was what expats refer to as a Shang'low' day.
Needless to say, we're hoping tomorrow is better bc we're venturing out to church and it's not exactly next door- and we still need to find shoes.

Prayer requests: shoes. Seriously, I just need to find Sophie some good shoes.
I also need to relax a bit. Everything seems to send me over the edge and I don't want to be there anymore. I'd like to take things in stride and see the humor in situations and I'm struggling to do that.
Please pray that Monday goes well. Ben goes to work at 630, Soph gets on the bus at 810 and I need to leave the condo before 8 to get to Coop's school by 830. I'm not really sure how it's going to work out. I think I could ask one of my new friends to watch Soph but I also don't want to ask too much of people I've just met and wreck a new friendship. Pray it just falls into place bc I really need something to be easy, just once. Well, since this will be happening every weekday, I really need it more than once... :)


  1. Remember that episode of Little House on the Prairie where Albert didn't want to wear the stockings, so he colored his legs black? Perhaps a can of black spray paint could solve both the shoe and the tights problem. Ugh.

  2. Lori, I am sending so many prayers your way. It sounds like that was a rough day, but it always is when you're in a new place. Life will settle down, Sophie will find shoes, and you will find that your friends and neighbors are likely more willing to help than you might think. Keep your head up, your chin up, and remember that God is on your side, and Ryan and I are praying for you to continue on with a smooth transition.


  3. Hang in there, Lori. This too shall pass! Prayed for peace and calm and ease and yes, for shoes! If there weren't bad days, we wouldn't appreciate the good ones, right?

    John 16:33

  4. Hi Lori! Praying for you guys everyday! shopping is tough, even in the states:) I always say it should be a sport! I am totally jealous of your trip to IKEA. I am praying the shanglows don't outweigh the many good things that seem to be happening. Praise God for these new friends and Papa Johns;-) Hope to hear more soon!


  5. Lori, my dear, ASK YOUR NEW FRIENDS. If they're decent folks :) they'll be happy to help. If they're people like you who've gone through the move etc. they'll be even more willing because they know what it's like. No one gets brownie points for flying solo unless you're Amelia Earhardt. You're not. And that's good. Ask your friends for help! You can do it, and yes, it probably sucks big time. I will pray for you guys :)

  6. Hang in there kiddo! you guys are doing great and you are definitely in are thoughts and prayers! i'm sure the first weeks are gonna be hard, but if you can make it down some of the double black diamonds that ben and i dragged you down you i know you guys can pull though it! and plus, lawrys and papa johns, now you guys are set. loving the pics! especially the kodak moment...good work ben! good luck with the shoes and tights and food and work and heck, everything else!!

    Doug and Alyscia

  7. Lori, the pics of Soph in her uniform and the ones from the previous post in her swimsuit are so adorable! Glad she got on the "good bus" and glad you guys found a place to put down some roots, even if you have to wait for 3 weeks. And four bed, four bath, sounds like there are room for guests!! Hoping we can make it out there towards the end of your stay since baby #2 has put a damper on our travel plans. :) as always, sending you love and hugs and praying for you (and for shoes!!)


  8. Sooo, these shoes of Soph's... wouldn't by chance be a cute little pair with bows on the toes and hearts on the bottoms would they? Yup, got some here and they're a little too small for Megs. Noticed them a few days ago - so sad we can't overnight them. Hope you find something soon.


  9. Sophie is adorable in her uniforms! so glad to hear you met some new friends to eat pizza with and drink some beer, you need nights like that! Good luck with the shoes, church, the new condo, etc. You guys are always in our thougths and prayers!

  10. Yup - between Jen and I a box will soon be on its way - no use protesting. There will be shoes and mac and cheese and fish crackers and... fill in the blank... Have you forgotten our family motto? "You want it.. we'll get it there!" Love and prayers, Mom

  11. I remember all too well how difficult it was to parent in such a strange land. It's so similar yet so different from Michigan. (Your blog reminded me of how RELIEVED and giddy I was to find some Papa John's pizza in Guangzhou... I stuffed myself silly because it was comfort food!) I hope you find some peace. Not just quiet, but the kind of contentment that will allow you to enjoy where you are and not always feel 'on edge'. It will come. Just work at it one day at a time. You're doing a great job. And you have got a lot of people praying for you. Hang in there. :o)
