Monday, January 23, 2012

Xinnian Kuaile!! (Happy New Year)

Happy Chinese Lunar New Year, or something. :)

Last night was the beginning of a week long celebration here in China to welcome in the new lunar year. We just sent off the year of the rabbit and have now welcomed in the year of the dragon! What does this mean, you ask? I have no clue, people! Google it! This is what I do know. The Chinese love fireworks. I mean, they looooooooovveee them. They love them so much they set them off all night long for 7 straight days. Uh huh. I believe there is a thought that if you set off fireworks on New Year's Day it will bring you luck for the whole year. And if you don't, well, ya know...

So, the firework show started at about 8pm. A few here, a few there. Around 11p it kicked up a notch. Not quite 4th of July, but it was pretty impressive. I tried to go to sleep around 1130 but it was getting ridiculous outside. Ben gave up on trying to sleep and decided to watch it for a while. He recorded some of the show for you all...

It was nuts. As far as the eye could see there were explosions and noise and lights. About 50 yards away from Sophie's bedroom there was a full scale show going on that could rival the Grand Rapids 4th of July show. The kids thankfully fell asleep before the really big stuff started and actually slept through it, we think. It just went on and on and on. For hours and hours and hours. I put on my eye covers, put in my ear plugs and still slept terribly. It finally started slowing down around 630am (probably bc the sun was coming up). We were so tired all day! Now I've been hearing that this goes on every night all week. Oy, you've GOT to be kidding me!!!

Anyway, besides last night, not too much has been going on around here.

Cooper is really liking his school- he spent a whole week with another student, Shaveer, and Indian boy who is about a month older than Coop. I don't think he's autistic- he doesn't seem like it to me, at least. He definitely does have some kind of communication issue, though. Anyway, Coop's teachers sent me some pics of him having fun at school-

We've been testing some new and interesting foods, like blueberry Lays potato chips...

We've been able to find some places to eat that taste just like home and are a comfort for hard days...

Sophie has been falling apart after school almost daily. Half of the days she ends up like this around 430pm- :)

Life is settling. Things are still hectic and anxiety can occasionally get the best of me, but on those days my girls just take me to see The Monk. :)
The Monk is a bar and on Friday, Laura, Liz and I ventured out to throw back a few. We had a night of fun I haven't had in a long time. It helps when the bar is walking distance to where everyone lives so all can have a really good time. :) We were doing so well and then a group of guys kept buying us drinks. Mercy. Here is a pic of us early in the night- when there was a baby playing on the pool table (You have a baby- in a bar. Anyone, anyone??)
I know, the pic is dark, but my phone doesn't have flash. Liz is on the left, Laura on the right. Aren't they beautiful people?? Truely they are, inside and out. :)
Anyway, we had fun. The walk home was fun. I fell into a bush and while Laura was practically on the ground laughing at me all Liz could do was comment on how the bush would never be right again. It was even funnier in her British accent... :) And don't get me started on her attempt at "Who let the dogs out".....

Ben finally got his helicopter he's been wanting since we got here. It's a remote controlled one and he's only flown it indoors so far. I'm sure our downstairs neighbors are loving every time he crashes it... :) His devious plan is for his buddies, Ben and Patrick (Liz and Laura's hubbies), to get some and then they can combat out on the big lawn. Seriously. :)

Prayer Requests:
-We have continued need for prayer for Sophia (and us!). She is still struggling with adjustment and is acting out a lot. It's hard for me to know what is her just being 4 and what is this move. Everything is a fight, she doesn't listen or respond or pay attention to either Ben or myself. When she does speak to us it's full of attitude and sass. She seems to be either really really high or really really low. We are exhausted and have run out of ideas on how to change her attitude and help her life be easier and more relaxed and fun.

-I am sick again (ugh). Another cold, I think, but I'm hoping it's not a sinus infection bc that would mean I have to find some kind of doctor to see here! :) Pray I can be less stressed and have a stronger immune system so I can be a better mom and wife for my family.

We hope you are all doing well and enjoying your odd weather (snow storms, thunder storms, what next?). I love reading all your comments and hearing what you are up to. God bless and we'll talk soon!

(Hey, it's 1115pm and no fireworks yet... could it be???)   :)


  1. we are praying for Sophie! We miss you guys soo much but are so happy to here that things are settling! Glad you had a fun bar night .... did you go for one more?

    1. Oh mercy no! I was like 6 in already! I stayed up and drank water for like an hour. Spinning room... :)

  2. The poor bush!! So glad you could get out and have a few laughs and relax for a bit.

    I will add another PRAYER REQUEST for you to the group: A family from Missouri came through your house to look at it again for the 2nd time. After talking with your realtor, we know the family is deciding between your house and one other. Prayers that the Lord will move in the hearts of the family that is supposed to buy and be in your house (if not this one - though we hope they are the ones and make an offer!!) and that they will be blessed in that house as you were so richly blessed.

    Thinking of you always and missing you much! The kids all say hi and would love to chat with Sophie when she has a moment. Love you!

  3. Sweet Home Alabama:)

    Praying for you all and will pray this family wants your home for their own!

    Happy New Year!

  4. Oh my word. I'm sitting at my office desk and laughing out loud at the fireworks. Then I started laughing even harder at the baby in the bar. So great! Thanks for the humor. Also thinking of you in the hard times. Glad Cooper is doing well and praying for Sophie as well as for your sanity.

  5. So, how are blueberry Lays.... Thanks again for all the updates Sis - great to hear your adventures, as trying as they can be at times it will be amazing to look back on. Much love!

  6. I completely understand how Sophie feels; that's about how I look some days after school! Obviously this has been a big change for her (full day every day school in a foreign country). Hang in there!
